Junda Yu
Bachelor Degree (MD in China, Chinese Medicine)
MA (Chinese Internal Medicine)
PhD (Continuing Eduation in Chinese Internal Medicine & Acupuncture to Treat Tumors)
Clinical Internship (Dong Zhi Meng Hospital, Beijing, China)
Working Experiences (Di Tan Hospital, Beijing, China)
I Graduated from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and I have practiced Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for almost 10 years. I feel that Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are not magic but effective and scientific.
When I was young, my gandapa taught me lots of intersting and useful Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture knowledge. Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine always help us find natural ways to fight for our problems. Once, a girl was bit by a toxic centipede and all her middle finger was in pain and swelled as big a carrot. My gandapa said that roosters are the native predator of centipedes and he use the spittle of a rooster to treat this girl. After 10 mins, her finger only had a little pain and also reduced in swelling a ton. This true story is amazing. Chinese Medicine believes that we can always seek help from nature. So does Acupuncture. Once, a female patient had a headache for 10 years and Modern Medicine could not help her. My Grandpa found a small muscle bump on her neck and he believed this small bump was the cause of her headache. He only put 5 needles around this bump, and after 3 treatments this patient felt no more pain. Six months later, she was excited to tell my grandpa that she did not have any headaches in this six-month period. According to the theory of Chinese Medicine, when people have some uncomfortable symtoms for a long time, it must mean that there is something wrong inside their body. As a responsible and experienced Acupuncturist, I always try to find the root of patients' problems to help patients.
My family has practiced Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture for almost 200 years. We have many useful and handed down treatments to treat some speical problems. Ailments like pain symtoms, zoster herpes, stomach problems and everything I mentioned on the homepage. Most patients feel much better after 3 to 5 treatments.
When I was a doctor in Beijing, I was so lucky to learn from the most famous Chinese Medicine Doctors and Acupuncturists in China and the whole world. I gained many invaluable experiencea and knowledge from my teachers such as Zhang zhaozhong, who was a special doctor for the former vise presedent of China, Xia yuqin and is the special doctor for high goverment officiers, Zhou pingan who is also the doctor for high goverment officiers, and so on. My teachers say that learning does not have an end, and that they will continue to study when they are in their 80s and 90s. I am also always reading and studying, and I wish to do my best in my profession. I have been in the United States for more than 7 years and have helped many people here.
I have published more than 50 academic papers in Chinese and American Professional Medical and Acupuncture Journals. For Example:
Drug Target Prediction Based on the Herbs Components: The Study on the Multitargets Pharmacological Mechanism of Qishenkeli Acting on the Coronary Heart Disease; Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2012 (2012).